Birthday Party
Would you like to have your birthday party with all your friends, family, and the dolphins? Then come and celebrate in Boudewijn Seapark! You and your friends will have hours of fun here! Plus, the birthday boy or girl gets free admission! Birthday parties are available for groups of 6 or more, during both the summer and winter season.
Summer Season
During the summer season (Easter holiday Flemish region, until the end of September + autumn holiday Flemish region + Christmas holidays), you’ll have access to the entire amusement park, all the presentations, Bobo’s Indoor, and Bobo’s AquaSplash (waterpark open as of May and when the weather is ok).
You can choose between the lunch package and the dessert package. The catering is provided at the SeaSide Restaurant at an agreed time. We’ll have a table reserved for the whole group. Put on your party hat!
Tariffs (entrance and catering included)
– kids: € 18,50
– adults: € 25,50
– birthday boy or girl: € 6
– formule lunch: minced meat sausage with fries
– formule dessert: pancakes or ice cream
– a drink: choice between Fristi, orange or apple juice, water, Capri-Sun or hot chocolat
– glass of Kidibul (champagne for kids)
Winter Season
During the winter season (October to Easter holiday, excluding autumn holiday), you can have your party at Bobo’s Indoor or the Boudewijn Ice Rink*. Combine it with the spectacular dolphin presentation if you want to treat your friends to something extra special!
Enjoy delicious pancakes or an ice cream! Catering is provided in the indoor playground or ice rink at an agreed time. We’ll provide a beautifully decorated table!
* the Ice Rink is closed until further notice due to corona measures.
Tariffs Bobo’s Indoor (entrance and catering included)
– kids: € 13
– adults: € 8,50
– birthday boy or girl: € 6
– in combination with dolphin presentation: € 17
Catering (entrance and catering included)
– dessert: pancakes or ice cream
– a drink: choice between Fristi, orange or apple juice, water, Capri-Sun or hot chocolat
– glass of Kidibul (champagne for kids)